SEASAR is a non-profit, 100 percent volunteer association devoted to the safety and well-being of the region. Volunteer search and rescue organizations in Alberta receive limited funding from the provincial government. This includes a training budget split among the volunteer SAR teams across the province.
To purchase and maintain equipment, and provide additional training, we rely on casino fundraising, as well as private and corporate donations. SEASAR is a registered non-profit and charitable society. Your contribution is eligible for a charitable donation receipt.
We proudly own and present the annual Medicine Hat Massacre Race. Put your orienteering skills to the test in this challenging adventure race that features a 4 am start, cycling, paddling, and hiking/running in beautiful Cypress Hills Provincial Park.
Contributions to SEASAR are tax deductible. Our charitable number is 867882243RR0001.Online donations are accepted with Canada Helps.
Our thanks to those who support the region by supporting SEASAR!
100 Men Who Care Medicine Hat
100 Women Who Care Medicine Hat
Alberta Culture and Tourism
Community Foundation of Southeastern Alberta
JS RV Service
Mark’s Marine & leisure Ltd.
Mr. Lube
Royal Lepage Community Realty
South Country Co-op
Sun Valley Honda
Torxen Energy Ltd.