We appreciate your interest in joining SEASAR!
SAR volunteers must complete several steps before being eligible to participate in operations. Allow three months for the steps 1, 2, and 3. It may take a full year to become an Operational Member.
Step 1 - Information Meeting
It all starts here! Learn what to expect as a SAR volunteer. Complete the form below and we’ll make sure you know about the next date.
Step 2- Interview
Just like a job interview, we’ll talk about your expectations as a member.
Step 3 - Prospective Member
As a prospective member, you will prepare for operations by:
paying membership dues and course fees
attaining first aid qualification
completing our online training course
completing ICS 100
providing criminal record check and confidentiality agreement
showing that you have the required personal gear
participating in our Critical Skills Weekend and passing a written exam
Step 4 - Member in Training (MIT)
MITs may participate in operations wearing a high visibility vest. We’ll provide you with a logbook, evidence book, and high visibility vest.
Step 5 - Operational Member
To become an operational member, you must complete the remaining basic skills training. You must also continue sustain requirements like dues, renewed first aid, agreements, and participation. You will be issued uniform shirt and jackets.